Construction Crime Index 2024
Get a snapshot of the changing face of construction crime in the UK over the past 12 months.
✓ Is the frequency of crime increasing?
✓ What items and materials are most at risk.
✓ Understand who is carrying out the crime.
✓ How to better protect your site, material and people.
Construction Crime Index 2024
Into the numbers: who participated in the report?
The report is an all-encompassing look at the state of crime within the built environment. We wanted to make sure that we built a report that appreciated how crime affects different key demographics so that we can get real insight into what the true cost of crime is.

Respondents by Region
We spoke to a broad section of professionals across the UK, with developers and construction firms in both urban and rural areas interviewed. Our aim is to give a nationwide picture of crime affecting the construction industry and the nature and impact of these crimes.

Respondent by Sector
In this report, we looked at a wide range sectors within construction from homebuilders to infrastructure to give an account into the experience of construction crime throughout the industry.

Respondents by Profession
To get an holistic view of the impact of construction crime on a business, we’ve received input from a broad range of job titles that covers both on site and office workers.