Monitoring SOLUTION

Long-Term Monitoring

Robust protection of your site from start to finish

For projects with a longer duration, a permanent installation is more cost effective than using our temporary solutions. You can still benefit from our surveillance for the entirety of your project by purchasing your own BauWatch product.

We secure projects with a duration of 11 months and more with a permanently placed camera system. After careful assessment of the area and precise planning, we anchor one or more camera towers firmly in the ground. A cost-effective option to ensure that you’re protected throughout the entirety of your project.

With a permanent security solution from BauWatch, projects remain under surveillance for years – protected against theft, vandalism and other incidents that could cause high follow-up costs and, in the worst case, an interruption of the process. You can rely on BauWatch, day and night. Our employees in the continuously manned control centre watch over all of our security systems 24/7.

All BauWatch solutions can be easily combined with each other. Whatever you need, we will develop a concept for you that optimally fits your project in terms of performance and budget.


Durable protection


Products for this solution

GreenLight CCTV
GreenLight CCTV

A highly visible and efficient on-site deterrent: HD cameras, green floodlights, speaker for live spoken challenge and 24/7 monitoring. GreenLight CCTV

BauWatch Thermal CCTV
BauWatch Thermal CCTV

BauWatch Thermal uses highly sensitive thermal imaging cameras to ensure that problems at site are detected even in complete darkness. BauWatch Thermal CCTV

Access Control
Access Control

Easily control who enters and exits your site. Access Control