
Our business model would not be complete without compliance and integrity. Learn more about the BauWatch Code of Ethics and our commitment to respect human rights.

Code of Ethics

Integrity does not just mean complying with the law, it also means ‘ doing what’s right’. By following some simple ethical principles, we can make good decisions. The Code of Ethics describes the standard against which we want to be measured.

Business Partner Code of Ethics

Sustainable and responsible action, social responsibility towards our own company, customers and suppliers, the environment and society is something we also desire from our business partners. Our minimum standards can be found in the BauWatch Business Partner Code of Ethics.

Human rights

Compliance with human rights due diligene obligations is an essential prerequisite for sustainable value creation.

Report a concern

access to the SpeakUp platform
If you as a BauWatch employee become aware of a violation of our BauWatch Code of Ethics, you can turn to several contact persons at any time if you are unsure about the right course of action or wish to report an issue.
At BauWatch we have an electronic, multilingual whistleblower system available.
A detailed overview of our (anonymous) reporting option is available on our BauWatch intranet, including contact and access information. Our electronic, multilingual whistleblower system is available